New Year, 2010

Warm greetings at the start of this new year, 2010!

As the first decade of the 21st century comes to an end, I find myself finally bringing a long-awaited new CD very close to recording readiness!  As always, the making of a new album is a fascinating and soul-searching journey - especially when you self-write most or all of the material - and often brings surprises!  During the pre-production process, a couple of new songs materialised from the ether and now I have more songs than there are tracks.  So it is decision time .... let's see which songs make it to the final "team" - time is running out!  Of course I will keep you informed!

Meanwhile I wish you the best of all possible starts to the New Year and the new decade!

I very much look forward to receiving and answering your e-mails and to meeting you at concerts - your support is very much appreciated.

'til soon
