NEW CD!!! Nearly ready!

Today I approved the final artwork for the album recorded "live" in Berlin, in March of this year!

The concert - in The Meistersaal of the Borsigturm - was recorded "on the fly" by Soundman, Tobias Johow, with no intentions of taking it further.  But when we had a listen next day, we realised there was the possibility of producing a CD which would give a snap-shot of what and how I am performing at this time.  Since we had not planned to make a CD, we didn't even think about setting up extra microphones to record my instruments or audience reaction. Of course this is reflected in the final audio but nevertheless the album will be a record of Ben Sands in Berlin, in March 2013 - "warts and all!" 

The CD will be launched at a series of concerts in and around Berlin at the end of August/beginning of September - see calendar dates. Really looking forward to bringing a new and unexpected "baby" into the world!